Save Your Money On Renovation

Save Your Money

Take Care of the Old Parts

You will dismantle a lot of old parts when you renovate the old house, although they are scraps, they are still valuable, such as Galvanized pipe, old metal windows and radiators. You must pay attention if some workers said they want these things instead of wages, double check the value with recycling center, some time they may worth than worker’s wage. Moreover, you’d better to ask more and sell them when you done all, you will get a better income. Some parts have served other purposes, I used to buy awnings in awnings Sydney, when I renew the house, I take off the old awnings to redesign a interior ornaments.

Metope Renovation

There are four methods to renew the old wall, the first is painting, including the whole set of advanced technics like shovel plaster, puttying, and brush paint. The second is crack-resistant basic level processing, cover with non-woven fabric or glass fiber cloth before painting. Different materials have different prices. The third involves painting with a black chalkboard. For Metope renovation, normally we remove the old wallpaper then paint. When done, wallpapering or adding wall decals to the walls are a popular way to add some style and color to the room. In some cases, if you have windows, replacing the curtains or blinds can be a good idea. For instance, you could try blinds Sydney to find a modern blind design.

Floor Renovation

Some owners intend to renew the whole floor because of the low price. Actually , floor renovation is by polishing, waxing polishing, puttying and painting the floor’s surface to give the floor a new look. Old floor is better adapt to the indoor environment in compare with the new one, also with good stability and save your money. Not all the floor are suite for renovation such as laminate floor. They have a aluminium oxide wearing layer which can be damage from renovation for intensifies aging, so do not try laminate floor. Only wood flooring, Multi-ply parquets and bamboo flooring can be renovate.

Many peoples may not know renovate the old house are more expensive than the new house, some times it can be 1.2 times higher than new house, so you must prepare well before do it, but don’t be worry we still got some good knacks that might help you save your money on it.